
With its unspoiled, verdant countryside, Umbria is known as the Green Heart of Italy. Located in the centre of Italy, bordering Tuscany, Lazio and Le Marche, Umbria enjoys glorious countryside consisting of forested hills, vast grassy meadows, sunflower fields, olive groves, glassy lakes and picturesque medieval villages.

Cittá della Pieve abounds in simple country charm, natural beauty, and historic cultural treasures. The location provides residents with time and space away from the noise and busyness of the city, to immerse themselves in the beautiful natural landscape, its quietness and solitude inviting an exploration of new directions in their practice.

Travel is a central part of the experience and residents are encouraged to use this time to explore the cultural and natural treasures of the neighbouring regions. Umbria, Tuscany, and Lazio can be easily reached from Cittá della Pieve, which is within easy access to one of Italy’s important train stations at Chiusi/Chianciano (8km), and the Autostrada del Sole (17km).